Saturday, November 18, 2006

My kids are the cutest

It seems as though not a day goes by that I don't have at least one child asking if they can feel the baby kick. lol No matter how many times I tell them that they won't be able to feel the baby until at least February, they insist on trying anyways. They're adorable.

Sera, who has no idea what a baby even is, has taken to kissing my tummy. She is the sweetest little thing. As usual, I have the fear that the "baby" of the family is going to have a difficult time adjusting to the fact that they're no longer the "baby." I think she's going to be an incredible big sister though. She has a heart of gold and the sweetest disposition. She is quite posessive of her daddy though. lol She's the first one to try to kick me off the couch if I'm cuddling with him. lol I think that attachment to her daddy will really help her when the new baby comes since the majority of the time, the baby will be on me.

Morning sickness comes and goes. Some days I feel great and only get the occasional twinge of nausea, but other days I can't even leave the couch because I feel so sick. I have lost ten pounds since finding out I was pregnant. However, I've gone up two pant sizes around the waist. lol How much does that suck? Luckily, I still had a bunch of old "fat pants" from before I had lost the weight I did. I don't know how much longer those are going to hold out though. I only have one more size up to go before I run out of fat pants. I don't want to buy maternity clothes in the first trimester! That's just ridiculous! Sadly, I still don't look pregnant...I just look fat. lol

Friday, November 10, 2006

Still chugging along

Not much new to report. Morning sickness has been easing up a bit, but not enough for my liking. lol Of course, one of the things I hate the most about pregnancy (okay, it's not something I hate the most, I hate everything equally lol) is that the days I don't have morning sickness, I can't enjoy because then I'm just worried about WHY I don't have morning sickness. Ugh, this all just sucks. lol

My pants are getting tighter. How sucky is that? These pants were too big just a few weeks ago. I don't want to have to get bigger clothes, and I'm SO not ready to be in maternity clothes, but this is just getting ridiculous! The baby is about the size of a raspberry right's definitely not making my waist expand. That means I'm just getting fat. That sucks. lol Okay, so it's probably not that, since I'm actually losing weight thanks to morning sickness, but whatever.

I guess I should eventually go see the doctor. There really is no point to early pregnancy appointments. It's not like they do anything until 16 weeks when they can do an ultrasound. Short of bloodwork, which won't tell them anything I don't already know, there's no reason to go in just yet. However, when you don't start going until later, they all tsk tsk at you like you're a bad pregnant person for not going to your prenatal appointments. It's all just stupid. Pregnancy has been WAY over medicaliazed. I'm not sick. I'm pregnant. You can't cure me. At the moment, you can't do anything for my baby should something terrible happen. Even if you do find out there's something terribly wrong with my baby, I'd never abort, so it's not a matter of finding out in time...there's no reason to see a doctor right now other than to avoid the inevitable "tsk tsk" if I don't. Man, I so badly want to see a midwife.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Oh my goodness...

So, I found out a few days ago that I'm pregnant. Can you believe it?!?!!? SIX!!!! Goodness, that's a scary thought. Five seemed like a lot. Six seems like a lot more. Kinda like how some ages seem a lot older than the previous year. You know, 15 doesn't sound that much older than 14, but 16 sounds a lot older than 15. Six just seems like a lot more than five. lol

You'd think after so many pregnancies, I would have known I was pregnant. I had all the classic signs...I just never put them all together. Just a week prior to finding out, I was thinking, "Wow, it's really odd that I've been SO tired lately," and just attributed it to my diet and thought I may be lacking nutrients or something. I was taking three hour naps EVERY DAY, then falling asleep around nine pm EVERY NIGHT, which is SO unlike me. Usually, I function on around four hours of sleep a night, and that's it. So, it was really odd to be sleeping so much. Then, there was the fact that after almost a month of being vegetarian, I just HAD to have fried chicken...just HAD to. Of course, that made me SO sick to my stomach. I just attributed that to the fact that my body wasn't used to processing meat. You'd think it would have clued me in when I was still sick DAYS later. lol

It wasn't until I told Drake that I was still feeling sick from the chicken and he jokingly asked, "You're not pregnant, are you?" that I had that "AHA!" moment and everything clicked in my mind. I went home, took a pregnancy test...or four...and sure enough, two very dark pink mistaking it!

So, here I am...pregnant with baby number six. Drake is taking it a lot better than I figured he would. Sometimes I really underestimate what a geat guy he is. I know he's scared. I know he's frustrated. I know he's upset. However, he's being incredible. I didn't change a single diaper yesterday!!! He had a talk with the kids about how they all need to try to do as much for themselves as they can and not just ask me to do it for them if they can do it themselves and that if he's home, they need to ask him to do things instead of automatically asking me. He asked me how to make his favorite snacks so he can do it for himself instead of asking me to do it for him all of the time. (And boy was he surprised at how easy it was...he apologized for not doing it for himself earlier. lol) The next time I go shopping I've been instructed to buy corn dogs, tv dinners, canned foods, etc., so he can make food for the kids on the days that the smell of food sends me running to the bathroom. He's being really amazing. He usually doesn't even want to talk about baby stuff, but he's already asked me to make up a list of the things we'll need for the new baby so we can slowly start buying it all. There are times that I really forget how lucky I am to have him in my life.

As to how I'm feeling, well, I'm still sick from that chicken. :P I'm paying homage to the porcelein god multiple times a day and my sense of smell is INCREDIBLY heightened. Any strong smell makes me SO sick. Ketchup is REALLY bad. lol I've been craving meat like you wouldn't believe. Perhaps I need more iron in my diet. Of course, it doesn't help that any meat I eat tends to come back up. Yeah, pretty picture, I know! I'm always tired. I feel like I'm just dragging all of the time. I could sleep all day if I didn't have other responsibilities! I've let the girls start walking home from school together because I've just been so sick and exhausted that I can barely move, let alone pack all the kids up and go pick the girls up from school. They're loving it though.

The thought of a sixth child is a bit overwhelming, to say the least, but every child is a blessing. I'm excited to have another child join our family. The kids are BEYOND thrilled! They've all been telling me lately that they want a baby brother In a few months we'll be able to tell them if they're getting what they want. lol