Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Doctor's appointment

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday. She checked the size of my uterus and seemed a little concerned. She said that my uterus was the size she would expect from someone who was about 12-14 weeks along...not the 17 weeks that I was. Unfortunately, the ultrasound machine for the office was broken and I can't get an appointment with the radiology appointment for another four weeks. So, it's a sit and wait to see how big the baby is and if there is anything to be concerned about. After she measured my uterus, she looked for the heartbeat. It seriously took FIFTEEN MINUTES!!! Oh my gosh, talk about a VERY LONG fifteen minutes. After being told I was measuring at least three weeks behind, she couldn't find a heartbeat?!?!?! Yes, it was quite nervewracking. Thankfully, she did eventually find it and it was nice, strong and steady, so that relieved my fears a bit. I don't have another appointment for four weeks and right around that time I should also be having my ultrasound. Cross your fingers for me!

I've been feeling okay lately. I'm really exhausted, but doing well. I find there are times that I just forget to eat and boy does my body let me know it! I get horrible headaches and just feel like crap and it's usually right around then that I think, "Oh yeah...I haven't eaten yet today!" Duh, Katie! So, at least I'm eating well. lol

I think I'm feeling the baby kick, but it's still very faint. I can't wait for that first, undeniable hard kick. That's always fun! The kids can't wait until they can feel the baby move from the outside. They keep asking when that will happen. Patience grasshoppers...patience!

Emma has decided that she wants to be there when the baby is born. None of the other kids do though. So, as long as she continues wanting to be there, I think she's going to be there for the whole thing. She's very excited about being the kid who gets to hold and kiss the baby first. I think we're going to let her cut the cord as well.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Random Ramblings

So, my whole family knows about the pregnancy now. Drake is going to tell his family within the next day or so. We were going to wait longer to tell them (because they tend to be rather negative about me being pregnant so often) but we're going to see Drake's mom this weekend and I'm noticably pregnant, so we figured we should tell her rather than let her figure it out on her own. lol

My friend, Kelly, had her baby yesterday! (Congrats again, Kelly!) Her birth reminded me that I really need to brush up on how to deliver a baby. Her labor and delivery were all of an hour long. I was in the hospital less than five minutes when I gave birth to Ethan (his labor and delivery were a total of two hours). I actually left the house much earlier than I would have normally because I had to drive myself to the hospital and I didn't want to be in intense labor when I was driving. Had I waited any longer I would have either given birth in the car or at home. Luckily, Kelly was planning a home birth anyways, so she was prepared for that, but she did give birth before the midwife even got there. I know that this is a very real possibility for me. The hospital is about twenty minutes away and if I hit morning traffic, it would be completely pointless for me to even try to make it to the hospital. (Of course, this is assuming I'm still living down here in San Diego, which I don't plan on anyways) So, an unassisted homebirth (or heaven forbid, an unassisted CAR birth) could very well be a possibility for me. I guess I should brush up on that stuff again. Luckily, I still have a while. I'm about fifteen weeks now. I still have a LONG 25 weeks to go!