Saturday, June 23, 2007

Still no baby!

So, the hospital didn't have any openings with the perinatologist until Monday, so it looks like Monday may just be baby day! (As long as I don't go into labor before then)

Today is my official "due date." I've never made it this far without a baby. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm glad I haven't had the baby yet because if I went into labor now, it would end in an emergency c-section because she's breech. However, I'm really tired of being pregnant. lol I really don't think I'm supposed to have the baby until somewhere around the fourth of July anyways. But, I'm really tired of being pregnant. lol

So, if baby can be turned on Monday, Monday is baby day! If she can't be turned, but goes into distress because of it, Monday is baby day! If she can't be turned and the doctor is available for a c-section, Monday is baby day! If she turns on her own, we wait. If she can't be turned and the doctor isn't available for a c-section, we schedule one for a later date. Most options point towards Monday being baby day!

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